Sunday 17 April 2011

Now Learn to Read Trading Charts and Confirm With Indicators from me

Traditional investment guidelines suggest that investing stock will, over time, return the best, most consistent profits. This assumes that your money is going to be invested over long term on stable companies. This plan does not speak for a day trader or someone who wants some stock tips to invest on their own.
It's not unusual to see advertisements for trading education and see a wall of monitors with dozens of indicators and charts adorning the background. This may be understandable if the individual is a professional trader and following half a dozen different markets. This is generally not the case though; it's been my experience that many retail traders may have up to six monitors with a battery of a dozen indicators following every imaginable market variable.


  1. I like your post, thanks for sharing knowledge and info, I hope you are happy, greetings from Indonesian bloggers.

  2. Hello! Visiting, I wish you a pleasant and nice day to you my friend :)

  3. hy,,, visiting here,, great and nice post

  4. wah infonya bagus sob..
    sangat bermanfaat & lengkap lagi..
    makasih ya :)
    salam kenal :)

    #Happy BLogging :D
